


Waking Up Chase Companion Guide

Image of Waking Up Chase Companion Guide

Waking Up Chase provides the inspiration while this Companion Guide provides the application. The Companion Guide allows you to dig deeper into the lessons within Waking Up Chase and better apply them to your journey.

Each chapter has three different sections:

Did you catch it? – Questions to determine if significant plot points needed to grasp the story were understood.
Reflection – Questions that challenge deeper thinking on the content and apply Chase’s education to everyday life.
Extension Questions/Activities - In class or extra activities to be done for further understanding and reflection.
Waking Up Chase Description

After a wild night partying with some newly acquainted college friends, Chase awakens in a place that is not his residence hall and is not sure who he is. In this invigorating journey of trying to not only retrace his steps from the night before but the four years that have gone by, Chase realizes his life will never be the same again.

Prepare yourself to join Chase as he uncovers people, opportunities, and lessons he once took for granted. On this journey, he will experience life shifting breakthroughs and an unexpected mentor one would never imagine. Are you ready to Wake Up Chase?